5 Different Reasons Your Roof May Leak and Need to Be Repaired

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Roof leaks are one of the roofing problems that homeowners dread most. While performing regular maintenance on your roof will help reduce the risk of a leak, neglect isn't the only thing that causes roof leaks.

Here are other common reasons your roof may leak and require repairs.

1. Age

As with other man-made products, roofing materials don't last forever. As your roofing materials age, they'll suffer general wear and tear and become less effective at keeping the water out. If you have damaged shingles, flashing or other roofing materials, you should get that fixed or replaced before a leak develops.

2. Extreme Weather Events

The weather can be unpredictable and it sometimes rears its ugly head when you least expect it. Extreme storms can cause a lot of damage to your roof, leaving your home at risk of roof leaks the next time it rains. You should inspect your roof after every harsh weather event to see if it has suffered damage that may lead to roof leaks. 

3. Walking on Your Roof

Walking on your roof not only puts you at risk of physical harm from a fall but also increases the risk of damage to the roof. Roofing shingles and other roofing materials can get damaged as you walk on your roof, creating gaps for water to enter your home interior when it rains. 

Only roofing specialists should climb your roof whether for roof inspection or repair.

4. Clogged Rain Gutters

A lot of water runs off your roof when it rains. Residential gutter systems are meant to direct all that water away from the foundation of your home. This helps to avoid water damage to the home.

When blocked, gutters will cause water to stagnate on your roof. If this problem is left unaddressed for a long time, the stagnant water can cause damage to your roof, leading to roof leaks.

5. Inadequate Roof Pitch

If your roof isn't sloping enough to allow for efficient drainage of the rain, the water will pool up on the roofing material and eventually leak into your home. This problem is common in residential flat roofs in areas that receive plenty of rain across the year. 

If your roof is leaking due to these or other reasons, you should hire a residential roofing company to fix the leaks immediately. Left unattended for a long time, roof leaks have the potential to cause bigger problems in your home.

For more information on roof repairs, contact a local roofer.
